PyCoffer Long Time Backup

What is a Long Time Backup ?

Just a backup that you can recover in a long time :)

Imagine yourself years from now, after a flood, a tornado, a fire … a crash or bankruptcy of your email host, your cloud host …

How to get your digital life (and your normal life) back ?

PyCoffer LTB can help you :)

LTB are only a secure and durable way to safeguard your personal information.

Let’s test this experimental feature.


Using nuitka, it’s possible to make a binary of PyCoffer.


This will create a venv, install all required packages and make a binary. After some time, the build finish :

Nuitka: Removing dist folder 'pycoffer_static.dist'.
Nuitka: Removing build directory ''.
Nuitka: Successfully created 'pycoffer_static.bin'.
ls -lisak pycoffer_static.bin
... -rwxrwxr-x 1 ... pycoffer_static.bin

Test it :

./pycoffer_static.bin check system
Cryptors : ['NaclCryptor', 'FernetCryptor', 'AesCryptor']
Coffers : ['CofferBank', 'CofferMarket', 'CofferNull', 'CofferStore']
Plugins : ['Crypt', 'Password', 'Rsync']
Python : 3.12.9 (CPython)
Architecture : Linux (6.8.0-52-generic) / x86_64
System : #53~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Jan 15 19:18:46 UTC 2
Os : Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS \n \l
Specific : ('glibc', '2.35')
Ldd : [' (0x00007fff523f5000)', ' => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007a3e47200000)', '/lib64/ (0x00007a3e47559000)']

You can see all informations above ? ok … your binary is Ok.

ldd pycoffer_static.bin (0x00007ffcd92ad000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x0000714a0c400000)
/lib64/ (0x0000714a0c80a000)

As you can see, pycoffer_static.bin is still linked to libc.

Generate an info file :

./pycoffer_static.bin check system >pycoffer_static.bin.infos

Copy your coffer(s), the pycoffer_static.bin binary file and the pycoffer_static.bin.infos file on a USB card.

Copy your keys (or configuration file) to another support.

In 2075

Now, we are in 2075 and you need to recover your digital life … From 2025

First of all… why 2025??? ok ok ok… you made backups but you lost them

As we notice before, pycoffer_static.bin is linked to libc … so you need a compatible release of libc to launch it.

Let’s try with current Linux distro and hope for a miracle :)

But not need to wait a miracle, just need to find an install CD or more simple a docker image of a compatible libc.