HelloWord V2


For this second example, we will create a more sophisticated server : it will calculate the average temperature and send it.

In the previous, we define many bus in the configuration. This have some limits, in particular if we want to do some operations (like calculating the average temperature) on the values.

So in this example, we will create a new bus which will hold all the sensors and define a new value.

The components

Change to the tutorial directory :

$ cd /opt/janitoo/src/janitoo_tutorial

Open the tutorial2 implementation :

$ vim src/janitoo_tutorial/tutorial2.py

We will import all the needed components, and update their oid to match the new bus oid (tutorial2). For the DHT component, it’s looks like :

from janitoo_raspberry_dht.dht import DHTComponent


class AmbianceComponent(DHTComponent):
    """ A component for ambiance """

    def __init__(self, bus=None, addr=None, **kwargs):
        oid = kwargs.pop('oid', 'tutorial2.ambiance')
        name = kwargs.pop('name', "Ambiance sensor")
        DHTComponent.__init__(self, oid=oid, bus=bus, addr=addr, name=name,

The bus

At first, we will aggregate the needed bus. We don’t need to aggregate the rpibasic bus (which hold the dht component) as it holds no special features. Of course, we would add it without problem.

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    JNTBus.__init__(self, **kwargs)
    self.buses = {}
    self.buses['gpiobus'] = GpioBus(masters=[self], **kwargs)
    self.buses['1wire'] = OnewireBus(masters=[self], **kwargs)

After, we will a new value to propagate the average tempetature :

self.values[uuid] = self.value_factory['sensor_temperature'](options=self.options, uuid=uuid,
    help='The average temperature of tutorial. Can be use as a good quality source for a thermostat.',

poll_value = self.values[uuid].create_poll_value(default=300)
self.values[poll_value.uuid] = poll_value

We also define a poll value to this value.

The thread

The thread hold the bus :

$ vim src/janitoo_tutorial/thread_tutorial2.py

We will import all the needed components, and update their oid to match the new bus oid (tutorial2). For the DHT component, it’s looks like :

class TutorialThread(JNTBusThread):
    """The basic thread

    def init_bus(self):
        """Build the bus
        from janitoo_tutorial.tutorial2 import TutorialBus
        self.section = OID
        self.bus = TutorialBus(options=self.options, oid=self.section, product_name="Raspberry tutorial controller")


Janitoo uses entry-points for defining threads (bus) and components :

entry_points = {
    "janitoo.threads": [
        "tutorial2 = janitoo_tutorial.thread_tutorial2:make_thread",
    "janitoo.components": [
        "tutorial2.ambiance = janitoo_tutorial.tutorial2:make_ambiance",
        "tutorial2.cpu = janitoo_tutorial.tutorial2:make_cpu",
        "tutorial2.temperature = janitoo_tutorial.tutorial2:make_temperature",

The entry-point reference a function in the thread :

def make_thread(options, force=False):
    if get_option_autostart(options, OID) == True or force:
        return TutorialThread(options)
        return None

Or for the component :

def make_ambiance(**kwargs):
    return AmbianceComponent(**kwargs)


Open the test configuration file in your favorite editor :

$ vim tests/data/helloworldv2.conf

Like seen in the first tutorial, there is a section for the new bus (thread) :

auto_start = True
name = Hello world
location = Rapsberry
components.ambiance = tutorial2.ambiance
components.temperature = tutorial2.temperature
components.cpu = tutorial2.cpu
hadd = 0225/0000

It defines a new bus with a name and a location. We must define the HADD of the controller node associated to the bus (0225/0000). But this bus now holds the 3 components.

Look at the DHT section, it’s similar to the one seen in first tutorial :

name = Ambiance 1
location = DHT
hadd = 0225/0001
pin_0 = 6
sensor_0 = 11

Test it

You’re ready to test your components. Create a test for each component. For example, for the DTH:

$ vim tests/test_components_v2.py
class TestAmbianceComponent(JNTTComponent, JNTTComponentCommon):
    """Test the component
    component_name = "tutorial2.ambiance"

And launch it :

$ sudo nosetests -v tests/test_components_v2.py

The result should be :

test_001_component_entry_point (tests.test_components_v2.TestAmbianceComponent) ... ok
test_002_component_oid (tests.test_components_v2.TestAmbianceComponent) ... ok
test_002_component_properties (tests.test_components_v2.TestAmbianceComponent) ... ok
test_001_component_entry_point (tests.test_components_v2.TestCpuComponent) ... ok
test_002_component_oid (tests.test_components_v2.TestCpuComponent) ... ok
test_002_component_properties (tests.test_components_v2.TestCpuComponent) ... ok
test_001_component_entry_point (tests.test_components_v2.TestLedComponent) ... ok
test_002_component_oid (tests.test_components_v2.TestLedComponent) ... ok
test_002_component_properties (tests.test_components_v2.TestLedComponent) ... ok
test_001_component_entry_point (tests.test_components_v2.TestTemperatureComponent) ... ok
test_002_component_oid (tests.test_components_v2.TestTemperatureComponent) ... ok
test_002_component_properties (tests.test_components_v2.TestTemperatureComponent) ... ok

Ran 12 tests in 6.772s


Test for the tread :

$ vim tests/tests/test_thread_v2.py
class TestTutorialThread(JNTTThreadRun, JNTTThreadRunCommon):
    """Test the thread
    thread_name = "tutorial2"
    conf_file = "tests/data/janitoo_tutorial2.conf"

And launch it :

$ sudo nosetests -v tests/test_thread_v2.py

The result should be :

test_001_thread_entry_point (tests.test_thread_v2.TestTutorialThread) ... ok
test_011_thread_start_wait_stop (tests.test_thread_v2.TestTutorialThread) ... ok
test_031_cron_hourly (tests.test_thread_v2.TestTutorialThread) ... SKIP: Hourly timer not used for this thread

Ran 3 tests in 27.107s


And the test for the bus :

$ vim tests/tests/test_bus_v2.py
from janitoo_tutorial.tutorial2 import TutorialBus
class TestTutorialBus(JNTTBus, JNTTBusCommon):
    """Test the Bus
    oid = 'tutorial2'
    bus = TutorialBus

And launch it :

$ sudo nosetests -v tests/test_bus_v2.py

The result should be :

test_001_bus_oid (tests.test_bus_v2.TestTutorialBus) ... ok
test_002_bus_values (tests.test_bus_v2.TestTutorialBus) ... ok

Ran 2 tests in 0.784s


And for the server :

$ vim tests/test_server_v2.py
class TestTutorialServer(JNTTServer, JNTTServerCommon):
    """Test the tutorial server
    server_class = PiServer
    server_conf = "tests/data/helloworldv2.conf"

    hadds = [HADD%(225,0), HADD%(225,1), HADD%(225,2), HADD%(225,3)]

And launch it :

$ sudo nosetests -v tests/test_server_v2.py

The result should be :

test_010_start_heartbeat_stop (tests.test_server_v2.TestTutorialServer) ... ok
test_011_start_reload_stop (tests.test_server_v2.TestTutorialServer) ... ok
test_012_start_reload_threads_stop (tests.test_server_v2.TestTutorialServer) ... ok
test_020_request_broadcast (tests.test_server_v2.TestTutorialServer) ... ok
test_030_wait_for_all_nodes (tests.test_server_v2.TestTutorialServer) ... ok
test_040_server_start_no_error_in_log (tests.test_server_v2.TestTutorialServer) ... ok
Ran 6 tests in 828.932s


Otherwise you should have a log capture with surely some errors inside.

You can also the whole tests, which whould help you to fix problems :

$ sudo make tests

Launch it

You can now copy the config file to the config directory:

$ cd /opt/janitoo/etc
$ cp /opt/janitoo/src/janitoo_tutorial/tests/data/helloworldv2.conf .

Launch the server :

$ sudo jnt_raspberry -c /opt/janitoo/etc/helloworldv2.conf start

You can look at the protocol during startup on the spyer terminal.

You can also look at logs. In a new terminal :

$ tail -n 100 -f /opt/janitoo/log/helloworldv2.log

Its time to query ther server. Go to the first terminal and query the network :

$ jnt_query network

You should receive the list of nodes availables on your server :

hadd       uuid                 name                      location                  product_type
0225/0000  tutorial2            Hello world               Rapsberry                 Default product type
0225/0002  tutorial2__temperature Temperature               Onewire                   Temperature sensor
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance  Ambiance 1                DHT                       Temperature/humidity sensor
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu       CPU                       Hostsensor                Software component

You can also query a node :

$ jnt_query node --hadd 0225/0000
hadd       uuid                           name                      location             product_type
0225/0000  tutorial2                      Hello world               Rapsberry            Default product type
0225/0002  tutorial2__temperature         Temperature               Onewire              Temperature sensor
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance            Ambiance 1                DHT                  Temperature/humidity sensor
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu                 CPU                       Hostsensor           Software component

Check the config values :

$ jnt_query node --hadd 0225/0000 --vuuid request_info_configs
hadd       node_uuid                 uuid                           idx  data                      units      type  genre cmdclass help
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance       temperature_poll               0    300                       seconds    4     3     112      The poll delay of the value
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance       name                           0    Ambiance 1                None       8     3     112      The name of the node
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance       pin                            0    6                         None       4     3     112      The pin number on the board
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance       humidity_poll                  0    300                       seconds    4     3     112      The poll delay of the value
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance       location                       0    DHT                       None       8     3     112      The location of the node
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance       sensor                         0    11                        None       4     3     112      The sensor type : 11,22,2302
0225/0000  tutorial2                 tutorial2_temperature_poll     0    300                       seconds    4     3     112      The poll delay of the value
0225/0000  tutorial2                 name                           0    Hello world               None       8     3     112      The name of the node
0225/0000  tutorial2                 location                       0    Rapsberry                 None       8     3     112      The location of the node
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu            frequency_poll                 0    300                       seconds    4     3     112      The poll delay of the value
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu            temperature_poll               0    300                       seconds    4     3     112      The poll delay of the value
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu            voltage_poll                   0    300                       seconds    4     3     112      The poll delay of the value
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu            location                       0    Hostsensor                None       8     3     112      The location of the node
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu            name                           0    CPU                       None       8     3     112      The name of the node
0225/0002  tutorial2__temperature    temperature_poll               0    300                       seconds    4     3     112      The poll delay of the value
0225/0002  tutorial2__temperature    location                       0    Onewire                   None       8     3     112      The location of the node
0225/0002  tutorial2__temperature    hexadd                         0    28-00000463b745           None       8     3     112      The hexadecimal address of the DS18B20
0225/0002  tutorial2__temperature    name                           0    Temperature               None       8     3     112      The name of the node

Get the user values :

$ jnt_query node --hadd 0225/0000 --vuuid request_info_users
hadd       node_uuid                 uuid                           idx  data                      units      type  genre cmdclass help
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance       temperature                    0    19.0                      °C         3     2     49       The temperature
0225/0001  tutorial2__ambiance       humidity                       0    30.0                      %          3     2     49       The humidity
0225/0000  tutorial2                 tutorial2_temperature          0    25.6                      °C         3     2     49       The average temperature of tutorial. Can be use as a good quality source for a thermostat.
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu            frequency                      0    1000                      MHz        3     2     49       The frequency of the CPU
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu            voltage                        0    1.35                      V          3     2     49       The voltage of the CPU
0225/0003  tutorial2__cpu            temperature                    0    38.5                      °C         3     2     49       The temperature of the CPU
0225/0002  tutorial2__temperature    temperature                    0    19.2                      °C         3     2     49       The temperature


$ nice top
3050 root      20   0 59340  13m 4288 S   2,3  2,7   1:30.00 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/jnt_tutorial -c /opt/janitoo/src/janitoo_tutorial/tests/data/helloworldv

We divide the virtual memory by 2. Reserved memory is also less.