

In short words, Janitoo is a protocol based on mqtt and an API that allows rapid development for Raspberry Pi (mainly but not only). In this tutorial, you’ll develop a server that reports temperature of the CPU, a DHT sensor and a Onewire sensor in less than 100 lines of code.

The protocol is approximatively 60% developped : fixed addresses, primary nodes are functionnals.

The protocol implements the concepts of network, nodes and values :

  • a network holds nodes
  • primary nodes and secondary nodes holds a map of the network
  • a secondary node can became primary if the primary fails
  • primary nodes (and maybe secondary ones) will send heartbeat for nodes in timeout
  • a node holds values
  • a node send its state periodically on the network (heartbeat).
  • a value holds instances (not fully supported)
  • values have genres : ‘basic’, ‘user’, ‘config’, ‘system’, ‘command’
  • values implements cmd_class : a capacity (ie switch, dimmer, ... ), a config, ...

If you’re famillar with Zwave (https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave), Janitoo’s protocol is a kind of Zwave over mqtt.

The API implements the concepts of thread/bus, components and values :

  • a bus allows to share resources between its holded components. Each bus run in its own thread. A bus is mapped to a node in the protocol (in a controller node to be more precise)
  • a component is mapped to a node

You can see Janitoo in action on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Gqj32sJ-Q and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vx6uARhTfQ.

Look at the time line in description.

About this tutorial

  • it will take 1 or 2 hours for the all tutorial (or maybe less).
  • all code is provided, just look at the specified file to look around.
  • all configuration files are provided, you simply need to copy them the right place.

For the impatient that don’t want to test the API (with a Raspberry Pi), jump here.


  • for geeks only : there is a lot of bugs, so you surely need to get your hands dirty
  • the tk UI is 50% functionnal : update are not propagated, ...
  • the web manager is 20% functionnal : you can only browse values, no updates. There is a huge memory hole in it (with socketio)
  • the flask socketio server and socketio server are under heavy development after a period of inactivity, so installation problems will occurs
  • maybe we should use websockets instead