HelloWord V4


Back to our Rapsberry pi server : . For the impatient that did not use a raspberry, you can jump here

State machine

Look at the spyer. At startup, the server publish all its values but after a while it became silently :

/values/user/0225/0003/voltage 0 {"help": "The voltage of the CPU", "voice_uuid": null, "max": null, "reply_hadd": null, "node_uuid": "tutorial3__cpu", "entry
_name": "sensor_voltage", "genre": 2, "poll_delay": 300, "data": 1.35, "is_polled": true, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": null, "index": 0, "uuid": "volt
age", "is_readonly": true, "min": null, "default": null, "type": 3, "cmd_class": 49, "hadd": "0225/0003", "label": "CPUVolt", "units": "V"}
/values/user/0225/0002/temperature 0 {"help": "The temperature", "voice_uuid": null, "max": null, "reply_hadd": null, "node_uuid": "tutorial3__temperature", "
entry_name": "sensor_temperature", "genre": 2, "poll_delay": 300, "data": 85.0, "is_polled": true, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": null, "index": 0, "uui
d": "temperature", "is_readonly": true, "min": null, "default": null, "type": 3, "cmd_class": 49, "hadd": "0225/0002", "label": "Temp", "units": "\u00b0C"}
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0002 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0004 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0003 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0001 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0000 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0002 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0004 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0003 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0001 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0000 0 ONLINE
/values/user/0225/0000/tutorial3_state 0 {"help": "The state of the fsm.", "voice_uuid": null, "max": null, "reply_hadd": null, "node_uuid": "tutorial3", "entry_name": "sensor_string", "genre": 2, "poll_delay": 900, "data": "sleeping", "is_polled": true, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": null, "index": 0, "uuid": "tutorial3_state", "is_readonly": true, "min": null, "default": null, "type": 8, "cmd_class": 49, "hadd": "0225/0000", "label": "State", "units": null}
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0002 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0004 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0003 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0001 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0000 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0002 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0004 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0003 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0001 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0000 0 ONLINE

That’s because we enter in mode sleep. As publish in the last value : “data”: “sleeping”. And we publish this value every 900seconds : “poll_delay”: 900.

That’s done in the check_heartbeat method :

def check_heartbeat(self):
    """Check that the component is 'available'

    res = False
    #~ for bus in self.buses:
        #~ res = res and self.buses[bus].check_heartbeat()
    logger.debug("[%s] - sensors %s", self.__class__.__name__, self.polled_sensors)
    if self.state == 'booting' and all(v is not None for v in self.polled_sensors):
        #We try to enter in sleeping mode
    return self.state != 'booting'

That’s not the fastest way to do it but not the worst. We need to check that all nodes are up before changing of state. If the state is not change, the node associated to the bus will send an ‘OFFLINE’ heartbeat.

We add a condition for the state machine : values needs to be up to change the state. Of course, no need to check conditions to get into sleeping state.

def condition_values(self):
    logger.debug("[%s] - condition_values", self.__class__.__name__)
    return all(v is not None for v in self.polled_sensors)

And we add on_enter_{state} functions. For example, when entering in reporting mode, we activate the polls :

def on_enter_reporting(self):
    logger.debug("[%s] - on_enter_reporting", self.__class__.__name__)
        self.nodeman.find_value('led', 'blink').data = 'heartbeat'
        self.nodeman.add_polls(self.polled_sensors, slow_start=True, overwrite=False)
        #In sleeping mode, send the state of the fsm every 900 seconds
        #We update poll_delay directly to not update the value in configfile
        state = self.nodeman.find_bus_value('state')
        state.poll_delay = self.nodeman.find_bus_value('state_poll').data
        overheat = self.nodeman.find_bus_value('overheat')
        overheat.poll_delay = self.nodeman.find_bus_value('overheat_poll').data
        self.nodeman.add_polls([state, overheat], slow_start=True, overwrite=True)
    except Exception:
        logger.exception("[%s] - Error in on_enter_reporting", self.__class__.__name__)

We also publish the overheat value immediatly :


It’s time to add some code to interact with the state machine ... and speak about the value_factory. Values are used to interact with nodes : update config, poll, location, get temperature, ... To allow developpers to share these interactions, there is the value factory. You can collect values in your local values factory using :

jnt_collect -t janitoo.values
Group : janitoo.values
 action_boolean = janitoo_factory.values.action:make_action_boolean
 action_byte = janitoo_factory.values.action:make_action_byte
 action_integer = janitoo_factory.values.action:make_action_integer
 action_list = janitoo_factory.values.action:make_action_list
 action_string = janitoo_factory.values.action:make_action_string
 action_switch_binary = janitoo_factory.values.action:make_action_switch_binary
 action_switch_multilevel = janitoo_factory.values.action:make_action_switch_multilevel
 blink = janitoo_factory_exts.values.blink:make_blink
 config_array = janitoo_factory.values.config:make_config_array
 config_boolean = janitoo_factory.values.config:make_config_boolean
 sensor_rotation_speed = janitoo_factory.values.sensor:make_sensor_rotation_speed
 sensor_string = janitoo_factory.values.sensor:make_sensor_string
 sensor_temperature = janitoo_factory.values.sensor:make_sensor_temperature
 sensor_voltage = janitoo_factory.values.sensor:make_sensor_voltage
 transition_fsm = janitoo_factory.values.action:make_transition_fsm
 updown = janitoo_factory_exts.values.updown:make_updown

For example, the value sensor_temperature is used to send a temperature :D It defines the right units, command class, label, ...

We want to interact with the finish state machine, so transition_fsm is a good choice :

self.values[uuid] = self.value_factory['transition_fsm'](options=self.options, uuid=uuid,
    list_items=[ v['trigger'] for v in self.transitions ],
poll_value = self.values[uuid].create_poll_value()
self.values[poll_value.uuid] = poll_value

We defined a new value using ‘transition_fsm’ with a list of valid items populated from the transition state machine and a refrence to the bus itself. And that’s all. All the job is done automatically (here).

As we want to poll this value, we also add a linked poll value.

Wake up baby

It’s time to wake-up the state machine. At first, we need to find the right value :

$ jnt_query node --hadd 0225/0000 --vuuid request_info_basics
hadd       uuid                           idx  data                      units      type  genre cmdclass help
0225/0004  switch                         0    off                       None       5     1     37       A switch. Valid values are : ['on', 'off']
0225/0004  blink                          0    off                       None       5     1     12803    Blink
0225/0000  tutorial3_transition           0    None                      None       5     1     0        Send a transition to the fsm

Get more informations on this value :

$ jnt_query query --host= --hadd 0225/0000 --genre basic --uuid tutorial3_transition --cmdclass 4272 --type 1 --readonly True
hadd       uuid                      idx  data                      units      type  genre cmdclass list_items help
0225/0000  tutorial3_transition      0    None                      None       5     1     4272     [u'wakeup', u'report', u'sleep', u'ring'] Trigger a transition on the fsm or get the last triggered

And trigger a transition from [u’wakeup’, u’report’, u’sleep’, u’ring’] :

$ jnt_query query --host= --hadd 0225/0000 --genre basic --uuid tutorial3_transition --cmdclass 4272 --type 1 --writeonly True --data wakeup
hadd       uuid                      idx  data                      units      type  genre cmdclass list_items help
0225/0000  tutorial3_transition      0    wakeup                    None       5     1     4272     [u'wakeup', u'report', u'sleep', u'ring'] Trigger a transition on the fsm or get the last triggered

Look at spyer :

/values/user/0225/0003/frequency 0 {"help": "The frequency of the CPU", "voice_uuid": null, "max": null, "reply_hadd": null, "node_uuid": "tutorial3__cpu", "entry_name": "sensor_frequency", "genre": 2, "poll_delay": 300, "data": 1000, "is_polled": true, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": null, "index": 0, "uuid": "frequency", "is_readonly": true, "min": null, "default": null, "type": 3, "cmd_class": 49, "hadd": "0225/0003", "label": "CPUFreq", "units": "MHz"}
/values/basic/0225/0004/blink 0 {"help": "Blink", "reply_hadd": null, "entry_name": "blink", "poll_delay": 300, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": null, "index": 0, "uuid": "blink", "min": null, "delays": {"info": {"on": 0.6, "off": 60}, "off": {"on": 0, "off": 1}, "blink": {"on": 0.6, "off": 2.5}, "warning": {"on": 0.6, "off": 5}, "notify": {"on": 0.6, "off": 10}, "heartbeat": {"on": 0.5, "off": 300}, "alert": {"on": 0.6, "off": 1}}, "cmd_class": 12803, "hadd": "0225/0004", "label": "Blink", "units": null, "type": 5, "max": null, "genre": 1, "data": "heartbeat", "is_polled": true, "node_uuid": "tutorial3__led", "voice_uuid": null, "is_readonly": false, "default": "off"}
/values/user/0225/0000/tutorial3_temperature 0 {"help": "The average temperature of tutorial.", "voice_uuid": null, "max": null, "reply_hadd": null, "node_uuid": "tutorial3", "entry_name": "sensor_temperature", "genre": 2, "poll_delay": 300, "data": null, "is_polled": true, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": null, "index": 0, "uuid": "tutorial3_temperature", "is_readonly": true, "min": null, "default": null, "type": 3, "cmd_class": 49, "hadd": "0225/0000", "label": "Temp", "units": "\u00b0C"}
/values/basic/0225/0000/tutorial3_transition 0 {"help": "Trigger a transition on the fsm or get the last triggered", "voice_uuid": null, "max": null, "reply_hadd": null, "node_uuid": "tutorial3", "entry_name": "transition_fsm", "genre": 1, "poll_delay": 60, "data": "wakeup", "is_polled": true, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": ["wakeup", "report", "sleep", "ring"], "index": 0, "uuid": "tutorial3_transition", "is_readonly": false, "min": null, "default": null, "cmd_class": 4272, "hadd": "0225/0000", "label": "Transit", "units": null, "type": 5}
/nodes/0225/0000/request 0 {"reply_hadd": "9999/9990", "uuid": "tutorial3_transition", "is_readonly": true, "genre": 1, "data": null, "cmd_class": 4272, "hadd": "0225/0000", "is_writeonly": false}
/nodes/9999/9990/reply 0 {"help": "Trigger a transition on the fsm or get the last triggered", "voice_uuid": null, "max": null, "reply_hadd": "9999/9990", "node_uuid": "tutorial3", "entry_name": "transition_fsm", "genre": 1, "poll_delay": 60, "data": "wakeup", "is_polled": true, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": ["wakeup", "report", "sleep", "ring"], "index": 0, "uuid": "tutorial3_transition", "is_readonly": true, "min": null, "default": null, "cmd_class": 4272, "hadd": "0225/0000", "label": "Transit", "units": null, "type": 5}
/values/basic/0225/0000/tutorial3_transition 0 {"help": "Trigger a transition on the fsm or get the last triggered", "voice_uuid": null, "max": null, "reply_hadd": "9999/9990", "node_uuid": "tutorial3", "entry_name": "transition_fsm", "genre": 1, "poll_delay": 60, "data": "wakeup", "is_polled": true, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": ["wakeup", "report", "sleep", "ring"], "index": 0, "uuid": "tutorial3_transition", "is_readonly": true, "min": null, "default": null, "cmd_class": 4272, "hadd": "0225/0000", "label": "Transit", "units": null, "type": 5}
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0000 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0002 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0004 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0003 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0001 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0000 0 ONLINE
/dhcp/heartbeat/0225/0002 0 ONLINE
/values/user/0225/0000/tutorial3_state 0 {"help": "The state of the fsm.", "voice_uuid": null, "max": null, "reply_hadd": null, "node_uuid": "tutorial3", "entry_name": "sensor_string", "genre": 2, "poll_delay": 60, "data": "reporting", "is_polled": true, "is_writeonly": false, "list_items": null, "index": 0, "uuid": "tutorial3_state", "is_readonly": true, "min": null, "default": null, "type": 8, "cmd_class": 49, "hadd": "0225/0000", "label": "State", "units": null}

The values are published regulary. You should also see your led blinking in heartbeat mode.

Critical temperature

We want to notify when a temperature become critical. To do that, we add 2 values and a thread timer that will check temperatures. If a temperature is higher than the critical one, we transit in ringing mode.

The on_check timer start/stop is managed entering / exiting the sleeping state :

def on_enter_sleeping(self):
    logger.debug("[%s] - on_enter_sleeping", self.__class__.__name__)
        self.nodeman.find_value('led', 'blink').data = 'off'
        #In sleeping mode, send the state of the fsm every 900 seconds
        #We update poll_delay directly to nto update the value in config file
        self.nodeman.find_bus_value('state').poll_delay = 900
    except Exception:
        logger.exception("[%s] - Error in on_enter_sleeping", self.__class__.__name__)

def on_exit_sleeping(self):
    logger.debug("[%s] - on_exit_sleeping", self.__class__.__name__)

The overheat value is updated in the on_check timer :

if criticals > 1:
    if self.state != 'ringing':
        #We should notify a security problem : fire ?
        self.nodeman.find_bus_value('overheat').data = True
elif self.state == 'ringing':
    #We should notify a security problem : fire ?
    self.nodeman.find_bus_value('overheat').data = False

In ringing state, we are more verbose :

def on_enter_ringing(self):
    logger.debug("[%s] - on_enter_ringing", self.__class__.__name__)
        self.nodeman.find_value('led', 'blink').data = 'warning'
        #In sleeping mode, send the state of the fsm every 900 seconds
        #We update poll_delay directly to not update the value in configfile
        state = self.nodeman.find_bus_value('state')
        state.poll_delay = 1.0 * self.nodeman.find_bus_value('state_poll').data / 3
        overheat = self.nodeman.find_bus_value('overheat')
        overheat.poll_delay = 1.0 * self.nodeman.find_bus_value('overheat_poll').data / 3
        self.nodeman.add_polls([state, overheat], slow_start=True, overwrite=True)
    except Exception:
        logger.exception("[%s] - Error in on_enter_ringing", self.__class__.__name__)

We also launch the on_check temperature more frequently :

if self.check_timer is None and self.is_started:
    timer_delay = self.get_bus_value('timer_delay').data
    if self.state == 'ringing':
        timer_delay = timer_delay / 2
    self.check_timer = threading.Timer(timer_delay, self.on_check)

It’s time to ring :

$ jnt_query query --host= --hadd 0225/0000 --genre basic --uuid tutorial3_transition --cmdclass 4272 --type 1 --writeonly True --data ring

And check that the state is ringing. You can also look at your led, should blink faster :

$ jnt_query node --host= --hadd 0225/0000 --vuuid request_info_basics
hadd       uuid                           idx  data                      units      type  genre cmdclass help
0225/0004  switch                         0    off                       None       5     1     37       A switch. Valid values are : ['on', 'off']
0225/0004  blink                          0    warning                   None       5     1     12803    Blink
0225/0000  tutorial3_transition           0    ring                      None       5     1     4272     Trigger a transition on the fsm or get the last triggered
0225/0000  tutorial3_state                0    ringing                   None       8     1     49       The state of the fsm.

After a while, the state returns in reporting state :

$ jnt_query node --host= --hadd 0225/0000 --vuuid request_info_basicsrequest_info_basics
hadd       uuid                           idx  data                      units      type  genre cmdclass help
0225/0004  switch                         0    off                       None       5     1     37       A switch. Valid values are : ['on', 'off']
0225/0004  blink                          0    heartbeat                 None       5     1     12803    Blink
0225/0000  tutorial3_transition           0    wakeup                    None       5     1     4272     Trigger a transition on the fsm or get the last triggered
0225/0000  tutorial3_state                0    reporting                 None       8     1     49       The state of the fsm.


A note ont the state machine. Writing this tutorial, I added a new bus with an integrated state machine (here). It use a timer to speed up the boot process. You can look at the tutorial4 code, it use it.
