Source code for janitoo_tutorial.tutorial2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The Raspberry tutorial


__license__ = """
    This file is part of Janitoo.

    Janitoo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    Janitoo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Janitoo. If not, see <>.

__author__ = 'Sébastien GALLET aka bibi21000'
__email__ = ''
__copyright__ = "Copyright © 2013-2014-2015-2016 Sébastien GALLET aka bibi21000"

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import os, sys
import threading
import datetime

from janitoo.thread import JNTBusThread, BaseThread
from janitoo.options import get_option_autostart
from janitoo.utils import HADD
from janitoo.node import JNTNode
from janitoo.value import JNTValue
from janitoo.component import JNTComponent
from janitoo.bus import JNTBus

from janitoo_raspberry_dht.dht import DHTComponent
from janitoo_raspberry_gpio.gpio import GpioBus, LedComponent as GPIOLed
from janitoo_raspberry_1wire.bus_1wire import OnewireBus
from janitoo_raspberry_1wire.components import DS18B20
from janitoo_hostsensor_raspberry.component import HardwareCpu

OID = 'tutorial2'

[docs]def make_ambiance(**kwargs): return AmbianceComponent(**kwargs)
[docs]def make_temperature(**kwargs): return TemperatureComponent(**kwargs)
[docs]def make_cpu(**kwargs): return CpuComponent(**kwargs)
[docs]class TutorialBus(JNTBus): """A bus to manage Tutorial """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ """ JNTBus.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.buses = {} self.buses['gpiobus'] = GpioBus(masters=[self], **kwargs) self.buses['1wire'] = OnewireBus(masters=[self], **kwargs) uuid="{:s}_temperature".format(OID) self.values[uuid] = self.value_factory['sensor_temperature'](options=self.options, uuid=uuid, node_uuid=self.uuid, get_data_cb=self.get_temperature_cb, help='The average temperature of tutorial. Can be use as a good quality source for a thermostat.', label='Temp', ) poll_value = self.values[uuid].create_poll_value(default=300) self.values[poll_value.uuid] = poll_value
[docs] def start(self, mqttc, trigger_thread_reload_cb=None): """Start the bus """ for bus in self.buses: self.buses[bus].start(mqttc, trigger_thread_reload_cb=None) JNTBus.start(self, mqttc, trigger_thread_reload_cb)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the bus """ for bus in self.buses: self.buses[bus].stop() JNTBus.stop(self)
[docs] def loop(self, stopevent): """Retrieve data Don't do long task in loop. Use a separated thread to not perturbate the nodeman """ for bus in self.buses: self.buses[bus].loop(stopevent)
[docs] def get_temperature_cb(self, node_uuid=None, index=None): """Callback for average temperature""" nums = 0 total = 0 for value in [('temperature', 'temperature'), ('ambiance', 'temperature'), ('cpu', 'temperature')]: data = self.nodeman.find_value(*value).data if data is not None: nums += 1 total += data if nums > 0: return 1.0 * total / nums return None
[docs]class AmbianceComponent(DHTComponent): """ A component for ambiance """ def __init__(self, bus=None, addr=None, **kwargs): """ """ oid = kwargs.pop('oid', '%s.ambiance'%OID) name = kwargs.pop('name', "Ambiance sensor") DHTComponent.__init__(self, oid=oid, bus=bus, addr=addr, name=name, **kwargs) logger.debug("[%s] - __init__ node uuid:%s", self.__class__.__name__, self.uuid)
[docs]class TemperatureComponent(DS18B20): """ A water temperature component """ def __init__(self, bus=None, addr=None, **kwargs): """ """ oid = kwargs.pop('oid', '%s.temperature'%OID) name = kwargs.pop('name', "Temperature") DS18B20.__init__(self, oid=oid, bus=bus, addr=addr, name=name, **kwargs) logger.debug("[%s] - __init__ node uuid:%s", self.__class__.__name__, self.uuid)
[docs]class CpuComponent(HardwareCpu): """ A water temperature component """ def __init__(self, bus=None, addr=None, **kwargs): """ """ oid = kwargs.pop('oid', '%s.cpu'%OID) name = kwargs.pop('name', "CPU") HardwareCpu.__init__(self, oid=oid, bus=bus, addr=addr, name=name, **kwargs) logger.debug("[%s] - __init__ node uuid:%s", self.__class__.__name__, self.uuid)